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Personal subscription

Personal Subscription | Annual

A personal subscription entitles you to a single login access + all subscriber-only email bulletins.

It is best to use a personal email address (eg, for this subscription to avoid confusion with any subscription your organisation may buy.

Subscriptions are auto-renewing until cancelled. You can easily cancel a subscription from your account login. ArtsProfessional has no access to your card or bank details, which are held securely by our payment provider.

⚠ Hi! Teams in organisations using shared addresses such as info@, press@, marketing@ should not choose this subscription. Personal subscriptions are for students, freelancers, independent researchers, sole traders, and retirees. If you work for an organisation please see our affordable organisational subscriptions ⚠


Any relevant discounts will be applied at the next stage of the transaction and VAT will be added at the final stage.


£55.00 (+VAT)

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